Chapter 10 Review Questions | Milady's Standard Professional Barbering

  1. Briefly describe healthy skin.  Healthy skin is slightly moist, soft, and flexible with a smooth, fine-grained texture.
  2. Name two main divisions of the skin and describe the layers within each division.
  • Epidermis - outermost protective layer of the skin. It is the thinnest layer of the skin and is also known as the cuticle or scarf skin. The epidermis contains no blood vessels, but has many small nerve endings. Layers as follows (Stratum corneum, Stratum lucidum, Stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum, stratum germinativum)
  • Dermis - the underlying, or inner layer of the skin. About 25 times thicker than the epidermis and consist of highly sensitive vascular layer of connective tissue. Within this structure are numerous blood vessels, nerves, lymph and oil glands, hair follicles, arrector pili muscles, and papillae. Layers as follow (Papillary, reticular)
  1. Identify the appendages of the skin. 
  • Hair
  • Nails
  • Sweat glands
  • Oil glands
  1. How is the skin nourished? Blood and lymph supply nourishment to the skin. From one-half to two thirds of the body’s blood supply is distributed to the skin. As blood and lymph circulate through the skin, they contribute essential maerials for the growth, nourishment, and repair of the skin, hair, and nails. Networks of arteries and lymphatics in the subcutaneous tissue send their smaller branches to hair papillae, hair follicles, and skin glands.
  2. Name three types of nerve fibers found in the skin.
  • Motor
  • Sensory
  • Secretory
  1. What determines the color of the skin? Blood supply and melanin
  2. Identify two types of glands found in the skin and describe their functions.
  • Sudoriferous (sweat) - regulate body temperature and help to eliminate waste products from the body.
  • Sebaceous (Oil) - they secrete sebum, which lubricates the skin and preserves the softness of the hair.
  1. List six important functions of the skin.
  • Sensation
  • Heat regulation
  • Absorption
  • Protection
  • Excretion
  • Secretion
  1. What is a lesion? A structural change in the tissues caused by injury or disease.
  2. What are the characteristics of primary skin lesions? Flat, non-palpable changes in skin color, such as a macule; elevations formed by fluid in a cavity, such as pustules; or by elevated palpable masses, as in papules
  3. Describe the characteristics of secondary skin lesions. Collection of material on the skin, such as a scale, crust, or keloid; or by a loss of skin surface, as with an ulcer or fissure
  4. List the characteristics of the following: eczema, herpes simplex, psoriasis, and dermatitis venenata.
  • Eczema - inflammatory skin disease that may be acute or chronic in nature and present in many forms of dry or moist lesions. Eczema is frequently accompanied by itching or burning.
  • Herpes simplex - a recurring viral infection that produces fever blisters or cold sores characterized by a single vesicle or group of vesicles with red, swollen bases. The blisters usually appear on the lips, nostrils, or other parts of the face.
  • Psoriasis - a chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by red patches covered with coarse, silvery scales. Usually occurs on the scalp, elbows, knees, chest, or lower back, but rarely on the face.
  • Dermatitis venenata - an eruptive skin infection that is characteristic of the abnormal conditions resulting from occasional or frequent contact with chemicals or tints
  1. What are some characteristics of seborrhea that distinguish it from acne? An oily or shiny nose, forehead, or scalp indicates the presence of seborrhea. On the scalp, it is readily detected by the presence of an unusual amount of oil on the hair
  2. Which two disorders of the sudoriferous glands require medical attention? Anhidrosis and Hyperhidrosis
  3. What is the most common and least severe type of skin cancer? Basal cell carcinoma

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