Chapter 3 Review Questions | Milady's Standard Professional Barbering

  1. Define professional image. What personal elements does a professional image consist of? The impression that you project as a person engaged in the profession of barbering.
  2. Define life skills. List five skills that you would like to enhance for your own professional growth. The tools and guidelines that prepare you for living as a mature adult in a challenging and often complicated world.
Genuine concern and caring for other people.
The ability to adapt to different situations.
The development and achievement of goals.
Persistence and a “can-do” attitude.
Follow-through in the completion of jobs, tasks, and commitments.
The development and use of common sense.
The establishment of positive and healthy relationships.
Approaching everything with a strong sense of responsibility and a positive attitude.
Feeling good about yourself.
Being cooperative.
Being organized.
Maintaining a sense of humor.
Being patient with yourself and others.
Being honest and trustworthy.
Striving for excellence.
  1. Identify and list five values that are the most important to you personally. Values consist of what we think, how we feel, and how we act based on what we think and feel. Examples:
  1. Explain one way in which attitudes can be altered or changed. Attitudes can be altered or changed if we remain open to new insights such as diplomacy, emotional stability, sensitivity, receptivity, and courtesy.
  2.  List nine basic requirements for personal and professional health.
Personal Grooming
Dress code
Rest and relaxation
Stress Management
Healthy thoughts
  1. Define ergonomics. Ergonomics is the study of human characteristics for a specific work environment that attempts to fit the tasks, equipment, and environment to the worker, rather than the worker to the job.
  2. Define human relations and list five desirable qualities for effective client relations. Human relations is the psychology of getting along well with others.
  3. Define rapport. Rapport may be defined as a close and empathetic relationship that establishes agreement and harmony between individuals. 
  4. List three communication steps that will help determine a client’s service expectations. 
Organize your thoughts: What question or information do you want your client to understand?
Clarify: What does the client mean?
Repeat: Once you have understanding of the clients definition, repeat to the client your interpretation of what you think he told you.
  1. Define professional ethics. Identify three actions that violate the rules of ethical conduct and cast an unfavorable light on barbers. Ethics are the principles and standards of good character, proper conduct, and moral judgement.
Questionable practices, extravagant claims, and unfulfilled promises violate the rules of ethical conduct and cast an unfavorable light on barbers.
  1. Explain the vision of professional success you have for yourself. *This is personal and should be answered by the student*
  2. Where does the best motivation for learning originate? The best motivation for learning comes from an inner (intrinsic) desire to know more about a particular interest or subject matter.
  3. List a minimum of three short-term goals and three long-term goals that you have developed for yourself. *This is personal and should be answered by the student*
What are state board laws, rules, and regulations designed to do? These regulations are designed to contribute to the health, safety, and welfare of the public and your community.

Barber Tools

Camera Gear


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