Chapter 9 Review Questions | Milady's Standard Professional Barbering

  1. Describe two types of electrical current? 
  • Direct current - a constant, even-flowing current that travels in one direction only and produces a chemical reaction.
  • Alternating current - a rapid and interrupted current, flowing first in one direction and then in the opposite direction, that produces a mechanical action.
  1. Explain the differences between a fuse, circuit breaker, and a GFCI.
  • Fuse - device that prevents excessive current from passing through a circuit
  • Circuit breaker - switch that automatically interrupts or shuts off an electric circuit at the first sign of overload
  • GFCI - a device that senses imbalances in an electric current
  1. List and define four electrical modalities used in scalp and facial treatments.
  • Galvanic - constant and direct current, having a positive and negative pole, that produces chemical changes in tissues and body fluids
  • Sinusoidal - alternating current used in scalp and facial manipulations that produces mechanical contractions
  • Faradic - alternating current that produces a mechanical reaction without chemical effect
  • Tesla - thermal or heat-producing current with a high oscillation rate: also known as the violet ray
  1. Discuss the effects of visible and invisible light rays. Light rays create biochemical reactions in the cells that can stimulate the immune system. Different light rays will produce heat, chemical reactions, or germicidal effects.
  2. Explain the differences between ultraviolet and infrared rays.
  • Ultraviolet - invisible rays, with short wavelengths and minimal skin penetration, that produce chemical effects and kill germs; also called actinic or cold rays
  • Infrared rays - invisible rays with long wavelengths and deep penetration; produce the most heat of any therapeutic light
  1. Explain the effects of ultraviolet and infrared rays.


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