Chapter 6 Review Questions | Milady's Standard Professional Barbering |

  1. List the principal tools and implements used in barbering. The principal “tools of the trade” are combs, brushes, shears, clippers, trimmers, and razors.
  2. What style of comb is generally used for haircutting? The all-purpose comb
  3. Name three services in which tapering combs may be used. Trimming mustaches, tapering necklines, and blending around the ear areas.
  4. Identify the parts of haircutting shears.
  • Moving point
  • Moving blade
  • Pivot Screw
  • Finger grip
  • Finger brace
  • Shank
  • Thumb grip
  • Still blade
  • Still point
  • Cutting edges
  1. What is the difference between German and French shears? The french style has a brace for the little finger, and the German type does not include the finger rest.
  2. How are the lengths of shears usually measured? Which sizes are used often? Shears are measured in inches and half inches. There are two common methods used to measure the size of shears: from tip to the end of the longest finger grip (Japanese method) or from the tip to the end of the finger rest (German method) Most barbers prefer the 6.5” to 7.5” shears.
  3. Identify the two main types of shear grinds. Flat grind and hollow-ground
  4. What are thinning shears used for? Thinning shears are used to taper hair ends, reduce hair thickness, or create special texturizing effects.
  5. List three types of clipper motors. Rotary, Pivot, and Magnetic
  6. List the visible parts of electric clippers. 
  • Still blade
  • Set screw
  • On/off switch
  • Blade adjustment lever
  • Heel
  • Cutting blade
  1. Identify two size clipper blades that produce the shortest cut. 0000 and balding blade
  2. Name two types of straight razors. The changeable-blade straight razor and the conventional straight razor blade 
  3. List the 11 parts of a razor. 
  • Head
  • Back
  • Shoulder
  • Handle
  • Tang
  • Pivot
  • Shank
  • Heel
  • Blade
  • Edge
  • Point
  1. Explain the purpose of a hone. A hone is an abrasive material that has the ability to cut steel. It is used to grind the steel and impart an effective cutting edge to the razor’s blade.
  2. List three types of hones. Natural, synthetic, and combination.
  3. Explain the movements used in honing. 
  4. Explain the purpose of a strop. A strop is a leather canvas accessory that is used to smooth and align the cutting teeth of the razor edge and polish the blade.
  5. What type of strop is considered the best for stropping a traditional straight razor?
  6. Explain the movements used in stropping.
  7. List some advantages of using an electric latherizer. These appliances are sanitary, convenient, and easy to operate.
  8. Identify the type of soap that is used in an electric latherizer. A liquid cream soap is used in electric latherizers.
  9. List three methods of removing loose hair from the client’s face and neck. 
  • A paper cloth towel folded around the barber’s hand and used to dust off loose hair
  • Paper neck strips
  • Small electric hand vacuums and air hoses.
  1. What does the word thermal mean? Relating to heat
  2. Name the appliance that is used to heat thermal irons and pressing combs. The electric stove.
  3. Explain the main function of the galvanic machine. The main function of the galvanic machine is to introduce water-soluble products into the skin during a facial.
  4. Identify two services that high frequency machines might be used for. Facial and scalp treatments.
  5. What is the function of a comedone extractor? It is used to press out blackheads.
What is the best type of chair for performing barbering services? The hydraulic chair.

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